What does it mean when we say that a motor, drive, or inverter was washed? Today we walk you through the proper procedure and helpful tips for washing and cleaning electronics. We have also included a video that demonstrates the correct approach.

Your Basic Electronic Washing Procedure 

  1. Washing
    1. Motor Stators - Combination of copper and steel
    2. PCB - Combination of glass epoxy, copper, silicon, and other washable material
      Cleaning solution can be used - good to verify the chemicals in the solution won't harm components on the item being cleaned
  2. Drying
    1. Most crucial step - making sure all water is completely removed from the washed item before applying power
      1. If water remains, short circuits and potential damage can occur
    2. Some components, transistor modules, for example, hold water better than others and extra drying time may be needed to fully evaporate any excess
  3. Applying Power
    1. Only attempt to apply power once certain that no water remains from the cleaning process
    2. When unsure, drying for longer periods of time can be beneficial

These are the minimal essentials when it comes to washing and properly cleaning electronics, and a short video can be found here or at the end of this post that reiterates these points. For any additional questions, support, or if not comfortable class="table" cleaning, feel free to contact us at Precision Zone to get in contact with our experienced technical support team who can take care of any additional requests.